Sæsonens workshops

På vores workshops lærer du at binde sæsonens signaturbuketter eller skabe dine egne fantastiske blomsterdekorationer. Alle kan deltage uanset niveau, og du lærer teknikker og grundprincipper fra én af branchens top-floralister, Bo Büll.

Vores workshops er fordelt over hele året, så du lærer at arbejde med sæsonernes skiftende blomster og højtider. Vær opmærksom på, at vores kurser i sommerens lette buketter og julens traditionsrige dekorationer er særligt populære, og det kan være en god idé at booke i god tid.

Seasonal workshops

At our workshops you will learn how to create the season’s signature bouquets or create your own amazing floral decorations. Everyone can participate, and you will pick up professional techniques from one of the industry’s top floralists, Bo Büll.

Our workshops are distributed throughout the year, so you have the chance to learn how to work with seasonal flowers and themes. Please note that our courses in how to create light summer bouquets and traditional Christmas decorations are particularly popular and it may be a good idea to book well in advance.

Der er pt. ingen workshops